Truly Guarantee Time On-Time

Truly Guarantee Time On-Time

Truly Guarantee Time On-Time

Your Project Completed When Promised One concern many homeowners have about remodeling and custom home building is that their project won’t be ready when it was promised. This can lead to extra costs and complications for the homeowner. It takes a high level of project management skill, effective systems, a good team, and reliable suppliers to make sure all projects are completed on time. At CCLLC, we are confident in our ability to guarantee on-time completion for most types of projects we do. Based on our track record, we know that guaranteeing on-time delivery is not risky for us because we meet completion date targets with a near-perfect record. Contact Us About Your Project and a FREE ESTIMATE or Give Us a Call 📞 314 – 282 – 1991 Why Very Few Contractors Guarantee On-Time Completion

* There are too many things to keep on top of.

* They don’t have a good track record.

* It’s not easy.

* They are unsure of their ability to meet deadlines. What We Guarantee CCLLC guarantees that your project will be fully completed or “substantially completed” when promised. Substantially Completed means you will be able to use the home or remodeled space, all code inspections will be passed, and only minor things may be left to finish. What if CCLLC Misses the Completion Date? For a project where we have guaranteed on-time completion, the construction contract will have a penalty that we will pay you for each day (or week) the project is not completed past the promised date. We Even Account for Severe Weather and Other Problems Our on-time guarantee even allows for things like severe weather, governmental actions, strikes, fires, acts of god, if you hold up the project, and other occurrences.

Clearly, these things will impact delivery dates and no contractor could reasonably be held accountable. But with CCLLC, we have a process built in that recalculates a new delivery date and the on-time guarantee is then based on that date. CCLLC: We Hate To Be Late.