Spring Roof Tune up

Spring Roof Tune up

We are all very excited , it’s Springtime again!

With Spring comes the time to address any  worries we have concerning the exterior of  our homes from the brutal Winter in the St. Louis region.

Did you  know ? That just a minor roof problem not noticed could turn into a major expensive project.

Covenant Contracting wants you to know that not every roof problem calls for an expensive roof.

Our professional team with over 30 years in the roofing industry know how to get the most out of your roof, with  out causing any damage to the roof.

Our roofing Spring Tune UP!!!

This is the solution and the most efficient way to assure you will get all the years out of your existing roof that is entitled to you.

There are many time you could have a few missing shingles, or a leak around a vent pipe, or a chimney, but the rest of the roof is in good condition.

Our Spring tune up is ideal for you.

Our roof technician can come by and give you a full roof inspection and give you up to several more years out of your roof for a fraction of the cost of a new roof.

Also there are many times that Covenant Contracting can even give a written warranty on some repairs.

In this industry , that is hard to find.

Are you saying you can save me hundreds even thousands of dollars and still give me a guarantee on my roof up to 5 years.

YES! That is what I am saying.

You see here at Covenant Contracting we are just not trying to get a job from you , but we want to be someone you can trust and come to with all of your Home Improvement needs. Not only you , but we want to be the Contractor your family and friends turn to for all of their projects , big and small.

We know that success in life is built on relationships, integrity and character and these are what Covenant Contracting treasures.

Remember Covenant Contracting is the Contracting Firm known for TRUST and PERFORMANCE!

Mention this blog and get an immediate $50 off of your roof repair.

We thank you for the opportunities

We maintain an A + rating with the Better Business Bureau.

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